Culture, Connection,
and Community

- in learning Mandarin Chinese

September 2024 Group courses are enrolling!
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Upcoming Courses

For beginner to low-intermediate learners
(4 levles available for HSK 0-4)
For Chinese-heritage learners who are roughly at intermediate level

Hi friends, I'm Jun.

I’m a Mandarin teacher AND a language enthusiast. I believe that language is a means for connection. We don't learn a language by head-down studies, nor by tapping through apps, but by communicating with people.

Learning Mandarin can be a lonely journey at times. Thus we often struggle with persistence and consistency. Or you simply feel too self-conscious  to speak Mandarin. That's why community is a great place for communication,  support, and accountability.

At Stickynote, we learn a language by interacting with real people and practising with real-life materials. With a culturally-rich and science-backed system, we build an immersive environment and community for you.

Immerse yourself in a learning ecosystem for Chinese that sticks.

Via online Chinese classes centered around culturally-rich and science-backed approaches, we integrate multiple platforms to provide you with both in-class learning and after-class support. This culturally rich and cognitively enriching ecosystem provides more exposure and ensures consistency.

Broaden your perspective, exchange ideas, and connect to community. 

Language is a means to communicate and connect. At Stickynote, you will be provided generous opportunities to apply and communicate with real-life Mandarin Chinese, which turn knowledge into practical skills. Together, we build a community of Chinese language learners and culture enthusiasts who you can connect and share your interests with.


What my students say?

"I had been studying Chinese for over a year and was recommended Jun through my teacher, who is a fan of Jun’s videos on social media!  After some research, I decided to sign up for her beginner Mandarin courses to further hone my pronunciation and stay fresh with my beginner vocabulary. Best decision ever! Jun’s small group classes are wonderfully put together and contain relevant, real world situations which  significantly aid in the retention of vocabulary. On top of wonderful course material, Jun creates a kind, welcoming, and fun environment for learning Mandarin! I enjoyed learning from Jun so much, I already put my name down for the next class session! Having more opportunities to speak in Mandarin has helped develop my confidence ten-fold.  Additionally, each class I am left with more and more excitement when I see how quickly I am retaining the knowledge. The best feeling is having a native speaker tell you your tones are good! If you have been on the fence about learning Chinese don’t dwell any further, this is the place to come!"
Kyra Anzola
"I’ve been learning Mandarin with Jun since June 2022, and I’m so glad I decided to do so! Jun is a wonderful teacher who makes the class very fun. She’s always open to feedback and comes up with enjoyable and engaging way to help us learn Mandarin! Each lesson smoothly builds upon the previous one. I really like that the course does not solely focus on speaking, but on listening, reading, and writing skills as well. I’ve spent many years struggling to learn languages throughout school, but I’ve never picked up one so quickly, or enjoyed the language learning experience as much as I have with Jun. The classes are very affordable and well worth the investment. What an honor it has been learning from Jun! I look forward to every class and I’m excited to continue learning in the future!"
Logan Burrows
"Jun is one of the best instructors I’ve ever had in my various fields of study. She has a deep understanding of both English and Mandarin as languages, and knows how to teach English speakers to adapt their speaking skills specifically to Mandarin. With fun exercises and engaging materials, Jun is able to teach patterns and tips that really help students remember grammar concepts and vocabulary. She is truly driven to help her students learn and is able to accommodate each student at their own pace by providing all the time and resources needed. For me, the best part was the welcoming and diverse student group that creates a safe space for people of all backgrounds and identities to learn. She knows how to foster the perfect learning environment and do her best to make one of the hardest languages in the world manageable for any student. Thank you Jun!"
Cyrus Estakhri
"Jun is a fantastic Chinese instructor, and I would highly recommend taking courses with her! Her style is very interactive with a great balance of listening, introducing new concepts/vocabulary, and lots of speaking practice with a focus on pronunciation. Her pronunciation is extremely clear and easy to follow. Her classes are enjoyable and she does a great job of facilitating conversation flow between classmates. 

Overall, I believe her instruction provides a very accelerated course of learning. I've tried a few self study courses and made very limited progress, but taking Jun's class I feel like I took large steps forward. Starting from virtually ground 0, after the first introductory 8 week course of study I am able to do some general greetings, express my wants and interests, pick up on some conversation flow, and most importantly, communicate at a very basic level with some of my Chinese friends and family in Mandarin."
Andrew Mackenzie
"Jun is an excellent teacher, who is able to create a welcome learning environment for students of any level! She is very thoughtful in her feedback and provides multiple opportunities within class and office hours to participate and practice speaking, reading, and listening. Jun never makes any student feel dumb for mispronouncing words or making mistakes, and instead encourages you to think about what it is you were trying to say, and then will work through it with you. She is an incredibly effective teacher, and I would highly recommend her to anyone interested in learning Mandarin! "
Rebecca TURNER
"I joined Jun’s class to be challenged in learning Mandarin and I must say I was not disappointed. Jun has a great way of meeting you where you are and challenging you to improve beyond your comfort zone. As an added benefit Jun also provides a lot of context on how Chinese is actually being  used in China vs how it’s taught formally. I would recommend Jun’s class to anyone who wants to learn Mandarin in a safe, fun, and level agnostic environment."
Carrington Dennis
"I decided to finally learn Chinese to feel a better connection to my Chinese family. Starting off with language learning apps I realized quickly that I need to find an actual teacher.  One day I came across a video of Jun on Instagram, I decided to reach out and make the leap to learn from her. Learning Chinese from Jun must have been one of my better decisions I made.  She is kind and patient allowing her students to grasp the concepts before moving on.  She also reinforces past material by building on it every class.  She allows us to make mistakes and talks up through why those are mistakes which I the most helpful for me.  I would highly recommend Jun to anyone who wants to take the next step in truly learning Mandarin."
Michael James Luuloa
"Growing up, I never picked up on the Chinese language skills. It was easier for me to default to English (and admittedly, it still is). However, I knew deep down, I wanted to learn. This was something I wanted to change and when I saw the opportunity to learn from Stickynote Chinese. I jumped onboard right away. I was nervous and vulnerable at first. However, in addition to being knowledgeable, Jun has been patient, accommodating, and genuine. I have been attending classes for years now and currently have no intentions on stopping. I truly feel this has been a transformational journey for me. I can definitely see how much my Mandarin has improved over the years and always look forward to attending each class. "
Leslie chan
"I started learning Mandarin with Jun at the beginning of 2020, and was impressed with the transition to online. Jun is a pleasure to work with, very knowledgeable about both the language and culture, and teaches us modern ways of communicating in China. She also provides great background information and insight into the origins of the vocabulary we are learning, which helps with retaining the knowledge. I would recommend Jun to any adult Mandarin learners. I have had a very good experience. "
Tristan potter
"Wu Laoshi is a great Chinese teacher who mixes both formal Chinese lessons with colloquial Chinese in her classes, whilst explaining both Pinyin and Chinese characters to ensure the development of her students in the most well-rounded way possible. As a (bad) Cantonese speaker, working with her has been a pleasure as she helps me navigate idiosyncrasies between the two dialects and random gaps in knowledge. "

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, it goes to his head. 
If you talk to him in his language, it goes to his heart.”

— Nelson Mandela

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